Gigabit Pathways funding now available

Elevating healthcare connectivity for a better experience

The Gigabit Pathways funding initiative is designed to equip healthcare organisations with ultrafast gigabit-capable connectivity, essential for enabling digital transformation. With over 1,700 sites already upgraded, this program provides critical support to enhance bandwidth, HSCN connectivity and infrastructure, ensuring healthcare services can meet growing data demands efficiently.

Did you know that our account manager can help you with your funding request? Our expert guidance and expertise in completing funding requests can help you secure these vital additional funds to enable your transformation projects.

Why Gigabit Pathways funding matters:

Enhanced digital transformation: Supports telehealth, remote monitoring, and advanced data analytics.
Future-proofing: Prepares your organisation for a minimum 30% annual increase in bandwidth consumption.
Comprehensive support: Covers upgrades to existing connections, beyond gigabit capabilities, firewalls, breakout connections, and necessary network equipment.

How we can help you:

Funding assistance: We’ve been helping customers secure funding requests for 5+ years, working alongside organisations to complete the necessary documentation.
Cost-effective solutions: High-value services designed to meet your financial and operational needs.
Trusted HSCN CN-SP: We’ve migrated over 1,000 organisations onto HSCN and are trusted by NHS Digital to host the NHS Spine.
Range of enhanced connectivity: We have a wide range of knowledge and HSCN expertise, ensuring you get the best advice and connectivity options for your needs.
Support for digital transformation: Boost your operational efficiency and patient care with advanced digital infrastructure.


Engage with the Gigabit Pathways program to secure funding for the 2024/2025 financial year. Don’t miss this opportunity to future-proof your connectivity and enhance your digital infrastructure. Contact us today for a free consultation and discover how Redcentric can help you secure Gigabit Pathways funding.

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