What is object storage?

No matter the size of your business, it’s important to implement effective data storage and management solutions. This is where you may want to consider cloud-based object storage! 

In this article, we’ve taken a deep dive into object storage, identifying what it is and how it works, the reasons to consider object storage, and how it differs to alternative solutions. 

What is cloud object storage?

Object storage is a cloud storage solution that’s capable of storing and handling huge amounts of unstructured data – it’s often used as a component of data lakes

Unlike other types of cloud storage architecture, data is stored as individual objects, rather than categorised and organised in a traditional file system. These ‘objects’, each assigned a unique identifier, are stored within a virtual cloud environment, and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. 

How does object storage work?

Within a cloud object storage system, data is assigned a unique key and appropriate meta data for identifiability. It’s then often replicated as required across your provider’s data centred, to ensure accessibility and availability. From here, to retrieve your data, you simply need to input the relevant ‘key’. It really is as simple as that!

How to use object storage

Cloud object storage is an effective way to store and managed masses of unstructured data, and the process is relatively straightforward: 

  • Create a bucket within your environment

A ‘bucket’ in cloud computing is a virtual container that securely houses objects (i.e. data). Before uploading information, you’ll need to create the environment, establish access requirements and encryption, and assign a name that makes managing multiple buckets as straightforward as possible.

  • Fill your bucket with data 

Once you’ve created your bucket, it’s time to upload your data as cloud objects – whether from a traditional on-premises server or another cloud environment – and assign a unique identifier to each. 

While object storage is designed to accommodate huge amounts of data, it’s often worthwhile breaking up large files for speedier upload; or automating the process. At this stage, you can also add meta data to further-describe the object’s properties.  

  • Manage and monitor your objects

Within your object storage environment, you’ll be able to manage, retrieve, move, or copy data with speed and ease. If working with a reputable cloud storage provider, you’ll likely have automated data management, which should monitor and identify performance bottlenecks – you can then work with your consultant to execute optimisation strategies. 

Why use object storage?

There are a number of reasons why you might choose to use cloud object storage over another solution, from simplicity and scalability to versatility and cost-efficiency. Reading on, learn more about the benefits of object storage.


Scalability is a core benefit of object storage, and one of the main reasons you would choose this specific cloud solution. 

Capable of storing huge amounts of unstructured data, object storage architecture can be straightforwardly scaled to adapt to your evolving data management requirements – whether you’re increasing capacity or streamlining storage. You can even automate your infrastructure to adjust as required, for stress-free scalability. 


Rather than applying a hierarchical structure, object storage treats data as individual objects which are housed across a flat structure. 

This makes for simpler scaling of large volumes of data (you don’t need to consider maintaining structures); while accessing the specific information you need is as simple as entering a code – rather than navigating a potentially-complex directory. 


Due to its simplicity and effective scalability, cloud object storage offers various cost-effective advantages, especially when compared to more traditional on-premises solutions. 

For a start, its low-maintenance structure can vastly reduce management costs, with fewer components to maintain and troubleshoot, while pay-as-you-go pricing options allow you to optimise spending and only invest in what you need.


As with other cloud-based solutions, object storage is highly available and accessible from just about anywhere in the world, so long as you have a stable internet connection. And with cloud service providers typically storing backups across multiple physical locations, you’re protected against loss of data as a result of disaster or downtime. 


Cloud object storage is a highly versatile data storage solution, allowing you to manage and maintain various different data types, structures, and file sizes – including unstructured data (i.e. images, videos, and audio) and structured data (i.e. databases). 

This makes it a popular solution for businesses looking to store big datasets, with use cases including using object storage as a content management system, data analytics hub, and archive. 

Cloud integration

Finally, one of the most important benefits of object storage is the fact this solution can be integrated alongside your other cloud-based services. This facilitates flexibility and allows you to fully leverage the advantages of cloud computing. Our consultants will work with you to ensure your object storage infrastructure complements your wider cloud architecture.  

Alternative cloud storage solutions

Alongside object storage, there are a couple of other common cloud-based solutions you may also want to consider. Each offers a different approach to data management, and so comes with its own set of benefits. 

Block storage

While object storage stores data across a flat structure and prioritises scalability, block storage begins to add some structure (storing data in ‘blocks’ within a filing system) and leans into performance. With data effectively bundled into blocks, application deployment is swift and latency is low.  

File storage

File storage solutions offer further structure, storing your data in a hierarchical directory – just like a virtual filing system. This makes it a popular choice for businesses storing and managing structured data, such as rich databases. However, while organisation and performance is high, scaling can be tricky, especially compared to object storage. 

Interested in learning more about object storage?

In recent years, object storage has become a popular solution for cloud native businesses looking for scalable solutions to data management, and it’s an area we specialise in. 

So, if object storage sounds like the right fit for your business (or if you just want more advice around choosing the right storage model), get in touch with our team of experienced consultants, who’ll be happy to provide bespoke advice centred around your requirements. 

Alternatively, head on over to our blog for even more guidance around migrating to the cloud and adopting scalable, accessible, and cost-effective virtual infrastructure.

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