8 benefits of using a cloud service provider

Cloud enables you to meet the dynamic needs of your organisation, allowing you to scale resources whilst giving you a known and controlled spend. You need your resources and systems to be reliable, secure and flex with customer and employee demands. Not only for the demands of today, but the demands of tomorrow as well.

The benefits from your cloud solution will vary dependent on what type of cloud service you use or what you’re trying to achieve. Using cloud services means you can benefit from not having to buy or maintain your own infrastructure, and using a cloud service provider means you can tap into a wider skills pool to support any knowledge gap and to constantly work with you to get the most out of your cloud services. Below are 8 benefits you could see:

Increased control of multiple cloud environments

Most organisations are now running multiple cloud environments to address different infrastructure and governance requirements. Hybrid cloud solutions enable you to have sight of workloads and management of resources across your cloud estate.

Greater cost efficiencies

Match the dynamic requirements of your industry, allowing you to avoid overspend and under recovery. Reduce your CAPEX and leverage a consumption model aligned to your budget and OPEX.

Focus on business value activities

Spend longer driving improvements, developing systems to support operational benefits and productivity rather than maintaining your infrastructure. A cloud service provider can reduce your total cost of ownership and take care of the infrastructure, upgrading, patching or management, freeing up your internal resources’ time to focus on activities that drive business value.

Become competitively agile

Use cloud environments to spin up infrastructure to model things quickly, providing an agile way to ascertain if the concept is viable. This allows your organisation to quickly determine the benefits, how the solution would work but also if its not suitable, supporting your organisation to be competitive and adapt to change quickly.

Flexible commercial models

Make your spend more efficient by aligning your cloud costs to usage, allowing your resources and spend to flex alongside demand. A pay as you use consumption model for cloud services allows you to budget for seasonality fluctuations in your infrastructure, cost effectively test new systems without a CAPEX overlay and grow alongside business growth.

High availability through resilient cloud services

As you look to harness the benefits of cloud such as automating processes, embracing mobility and delivering innovative applications, the service availability of your cloud services is key. You need to have in place an IT infrastructure that you can trust, that is both resilient and secure, underpinned by clear SLAs from a cloud service provider you can rely on.

Meet governance demands

Navigate your risk and ensure that any governance concerns are met with a trusted cloud provider. During the planning phase the compliance requirements (e.g. security, regulatory, identity) and constraints (e.g. risk, appetite, geographical) are reviewed to ensure that your processes and cloud solution are aligned to these.

Overcome skills gaps

If you don’t have the internal skills to create or design a cloud environment, lean on the added expertise and knowledge pool available within a cloud service provider. As part of the planning stage, a trusted partner will be able to support you to assess, plan, migrate and optimise your cloud solutions.

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